Saturday, May 1, 2010

paul washer messages


God is sovereign - dan 4:34-37
the glory of God in marriage - rom 12:2, 8:28-29; eph 5:22-25
the glory of God in ministering to the Lord
the glory of God in missions
the glory of God in moral purity - son 4
the glory of God in motivation
the great white throne
the greatness of God 1 - isa 6
the greatness of God 2 - isa 6
the greatness of God 3 - isa 6
the greatness of God 4 - isa 6
the holiness of God
the judgment of God and the great white throne - rev 20:11-15
the love and anger of God 1 - 2 cor 5:21, psa 7:11
the love of God 1 - psa 7:11-13, exo 34:6-7
the love of God 2 - psa 7:11-13, exo 34:6-7
the mercy and grace of God
the power of God


eternity - rev 20:11-15
genuine gospel - rom 3:23-26
He drank your hell - rom 3:23-26, pro 17:15
I am not ashamed of the scandal - rom 1:16
no greater truth than the gospel 1 - 1 cor 5:1-4
no greater truth than the gospel 2 - 1 cor 5:1-4
the acropolis of the christian faith - rom 3:23-27, pro 17:15
the cross of Christ (2009) - 2 cor 5:21, psa 75:8
the cross of Jesus Christ - 2 cor 5:21
the gospel (2008) - rom 3:23-26
the gospel: the power of God - rom 1:16
the gospel call - rom 1:16
the gospel of propitiation - rom 3:23-27
the grace of the gospel
the greatest text in the bible - rom 3:21-26, gal 2:15-16
the heart of the gospel - rom 3:21-26
the lost gospel - 2 cor 5:21
the meaning of the cross - pro 17:15, isa 53:10
the true gospel - rom 3:23-28
there's too much riding on eternity
true gospel: man apart from God
true gospel: what is the gospel
true gospel: conversion
true gospel: repent and believe
true gospel: the narrow way
true gospel: acceptance in the beloved
true gospel repentance
what is christianity?
what is the gospel part 1 - rom 3:23
what is the gospel part 2 - rom 3:23

false christianity

am I a worldly christian being deceived?
are you on the narrow path? - mat 7:13-27
be sure of your salvation - 2 cor 13:5
false salvation kills, real salvation brings life - rom 3:23
genuine regeneration - eze 36:22-27
genuine conversion - 2 cor 13:5
genuine conversion: tests - 1 john
I wish that you were hot or cold - rev 3:14-22
is your Jesus an accessory? - rom 12
narrow is the gate (shocking youth message) - mat 7:12-27
regeneration vs. decisionism - rom 1:16
signs of a true christian
ten indictments against the modern church in america 1
ten indictments against the modern church in america 2
true biblical salvation radio interview
what it means to be truly christian - rom 1:16
what's wrong with american christianity

growing in messiah

a living sacrifice 1 - rom 12:1
a living sacrifice 2 - rom 12:1
a solemn assembly
basic christianity - romans
being more like Jesus Christ
being what you are - rom 6
conformity to Jesus Christ in character - mat 5:17
busyness and spiritual discipline
clothed in Christ part 1
clothed in Christ part 2
discerning the times - hag 1
discipleship 1 (2006): true christianity - joh 10:24-27
discipleship 2 (2006): a living sacrifice - rom 12:1-2, pro 13:20
discipleship 3 (2006): a true disciple - rom 12:1-2
discipleship 4 (2006): what it takes to be a man - gen 2:18
everything is missions - mal 1:6-11
examine yourself - 2 cor 13:5, 1 joh 1:6-8, 2:3
examine yourself 1 (2008) - 2 cor 13:5
examine yourself 2 (2008) - 1 john
examine yourself 3 (2008) - 1 john
faith 1: it comes down to faith
faith 2: God is a rewarder of those who seek Him
faith 3: faith obeys
faith 4: childlike faith
following christ - rom 12:1-2
giving our all - rom 12:1-2
God's will for slaves - rom 1:1, jam 1:1
godly fellowship - pro 27:17; heb 10:23-25
guide posts and warning signs - isa 2:22; jer 2:5, 9:23; 2 cor 10:5
how much has christianity cost you? - mat 6:21-23
how you can have assurance
inner working of salvation - 2 cor 5:17-18
men who are broken - rom 12
obedience, the pathway to blessing
offering your bodies
our ambition is to please Him
our Father's goodness and graces to us - 1 tim 4
poverty of spirit - mat 5:1-13
practical holiness
regeneration and self denial - eze 36:22-27, mat 13:44
removing the guilt of the past - 1 john
spiritual fasting
the biblical way to witness to the lost - rom 3
the kingdom of heaven is like a treasure - mat 13:44
the reality of regeneration - eze 36:22-27
the vine and the branches - joh 15:1-7, col 1:9-10
to love the word of God part 1 - deu 6:1-9
to love the word of God part 2 - deu 6:1-9
to love the word of God part 3 - deu 6:1-9
to love the word of God part 4 - deu 6:1-9
true disciple (2007) 1: come to me - isa 55:1-11
true disciple (2007) 2: regeneration - eze 36
true disciple (2007) 3: ministry and your prayer life - mar 1:29-37
true disciple (2007) 4: q & a
true disciple (2007) 5: how do I know I am saved? - 1 joh; gal 5:16
true disciple (2007) 6: the greatness of the gospel - 1 cor 15
true disciple (2007) 7: the way is narrow - mat 7:13-27
true disciple 1: are you a true disciple? - joh 1:1, 8:31
true disciple 2: cost of discipleship - mat 7:13-14
true disciple 3: the gift nobody wants - mat 7:13-27; mar 1:13-14
true disciple 4: heart of the gospel - mat 7:21, 13:18-23
true disciple 5: q & a - heb 12:3-11
true disciple 6: following christ - rom 12:1-2
true disciple 7: rewards of discipleship - exo 34:6-7; rom 12:1-2
what is your ambition in life? - 2 cor 5:9-18
what is your life worth? - rom 12
where does passion come from? - isa 6
you are dearly loved by God - son 4:7-6:2
your ultimate purpose - rom 8:28-29


a biblical husband (and prayer) - jam 4:2-3, mat 6:33
a sermon for the whole family on father's day - lev 19:32, eph 6:1-2
be a man (2006) - gen 2:18
be a man (2008) - gen 2:24
be a man (2009) - 2 cor 10:5
biblical headship - eph 5:22-24
biblical manhood 1 (2009) - 1 cor 16:13, 2 tim 2:22
biblical manhood 2 (2009) - 1 cor 15:33; 14:20
biblical manhood 1 (2010)
biblical manhood 2 (2010)
courtship part 1
courtship part 2
dating (school of prayer)
dating q & a (school of prayer)
destroying pop christian views of marital bliss - eph 5:22-33, rom 8:28
family 1: adolescence and obedience - eph 6:1-4, 2 tim 3:1-2
family 2: honor, the gateway to blessing - eph 6:1-4, exo 20
family 3: responsibility, the duty of fathers - eph 6:1-4, pro 4:1-4
family 4: father, where are you? - eph 6:1-4, pro 22:6
gaining the world and losing your children - pro 22:6
marriage and the gospel
marriage: being conformed to the image of Christ 1 - rom 8:28-29, gen 1:26
marriage: being conformed to the image of Christ 2 - 2 cor 5:17, mat 22:37-38
marriage: being conformed to the image of Christ 3 - gen 2:18, 1 tim 4:7-8
missions and your family - eph 5:25-33
raising the bar: sons (biblical manhood summit)
raising the bar: wives (biblical manhood summit)
the christian husband - eph 5:21-33
the glory of God in marriage - rom 12:2, 8:28-29; eph 5:22-25


a biblical pastor 1 - 1 tim 4:1-6
a biblical pastor 2 - 1 tim 4:1-6
a true church - eze 13:9-14
by their fruit part 1 - mat 7:13-20
by their fruit part 2 - mat 5:1-13
great men by the grace of God - 1 cor 1, eze 36:22
ministry 1: training young men for ministry - 2 tim 2:2, 3:16
ministry 2: the sufficiency of scripture in ministry - 2 tim 3:16
ministry 3: for young men going in ministry - 2 tim 3:16
ministry and your prayer life - mar 1:29-37
presence of God and power of God 1 - son 4:7-8
presence of God and power of God 2 - son 4:7-16
things applicable for God's servants - 1 tim 4:1-16


a biblical vision and strategy for missions
everything is missions - mal 1:6-11
great commission - jer 5:18-19, mat 28:16-20
great privilege of being part of the great commission - mal 1:6-11
heartcry missions history
heartcry missions ministries and convictions (2006)
missions and your family - eph 5:25-33
missions 2005: the glory of God and missions
missions 2005: particular redemption and missions
missions 2005: the effectual call and missions
missions 2005: perseverance and missions
missions 2007: I am under obligation - rom 1:14-17
missions 2007: the gospel, the cross of Christ - rom 3:23-27
missions 2007: assurance and tests of true faith - 2 cor 13:5, 1 joh 1:5-7
missions 2007: regeneration and true christian unity - eze 36:22-27, jer 31:31-34
missions 2008: how much do you know God? - mal 1:6-11
missions 2008: what will keep you on the mission field - rom 12:1
missions 2008: an unchanging scandalous gospel - rom 1:16, 10:9
missions 2009 1: taking dominion - gen 1:26-28, 2:18
missions 2009 2: the cost of not following Christ - 2 cor 5:21
missions 2009 3: a christianity worth exporting - mat 23:15, 1 tim 4:1-16
missions 2009 4: the great commission - mat 28:16-20
missions 2009 5: the authority of Christ - mat 28:16-20
missions 2009 6: God bless us - psa 67:1-2
missions 2009 7: things applicable for God's servants - 1 tim 4:1-16
missions 2010 1: the guaranteed harvest - rev 5:9
missions 2010 2: sovereignty of God and world missions - 2 tim 2:8-10
missions 2010 3: as you go, make disciples - mat 28:18-20
the glory of God in missions
world impact 1 - mal 1:6-11
world impact 2 - rom 3:23
world impact 3 - mat 6:5-14
world impact 4 - mat 7:13
world impact 5 - 2 cor 13:5


a biblical husband (and prayer) - jam 4:2-3, mat 6:33
genuine prayer - mat 6:1-13
ministry and your prayer life - mar 1:29-37
pray and lose not heart (school of prayer)
prayer - luk 11:1-2, 18:1-8
worthless prayer meetings - mat 6:5-14